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Tempted by the Bear - Book 3 Page 6

  Donna says, “Before we get started I want to share with everyone that we’ve encountered something quite interesting. Lucy Robichaux has two true mates, and they happen to be twins.”

  Sierra says, “Whoa.” She waggles her eyebrows. “Please tell me I’m not the only one that can imagine what to do with twin true mates.”

  Donna grins at her. “Ménage was suggested.”

  “Poor girl,” says Sierra. “She’s stuck between a rock and hard place.”

  Hands smack as Donna gives Sierra a high five and says, “Good one.”

  Tori chuckles at the exchange. She’s been coming to these meetings since we discovered she’s the Veilleux alpha. Brady and Carly thought it was a good idea to promote peace in the kingdom.

  Carly sighs, and I glance over at her as she looks around the table. I ask, “Do you need something?”

  “No.” She grins at me and then turns her gaze to the kitchen counter. I watch as a bottle of honey levitates and comes to her. It lands on the table with an almost undetectable thump. She says, “That never gets old.”

  Sierra says, “Show-off.”

  Donna says, “I’m glad to see you’re practicing. One never knows when they’ll need to use their gifts.”

  I think back to when Carly used her magic to thwart the Veilleux’s medicine man’s attempt on Sierra’s life. That was after the evil man killed Taylor with his powers. I glance over at Keith, but he didn’t go where I did with his thoughts because he’s gazing at Tori like she’s the most precious thing he’s ever seen. I catch her eye and ask, “How’s alpha life?”

  “Interesting. I met with Lily, and I’ve got a lot to learn. But fortunately, she has every intention of helping me.” Tori turns to Keith. “The biggest adjustment is going to be for Keith. We’re going to move to the Veilleux mansion.”

  Oh my. Keith doesn’t appear to be uncomfortable, but I wonder how okay with this he really is.

  Sierra asks, “Donna, do you know how Tori being alpha affects the custody of my boys?”

  “I’m looking into that. I think you could challenge her for it if you wished, since the need for your children to be raised as Veilleux isn’t so dire now that we know none of them are the next alpha.”

  I know how close Lily is to the triplets, sons of her dead husband, Victor, and I scowl as I wait for Sierra’s response. She glances at her husband, Ashton, and says, “I can’t do that to Lily. She loves our boys as much as we do. I’m not sure what the answer is, but let’s give it some time before we make any drastic decisions.”

  I know how difficult it was for Sierra to swallow the original shared custody agreement, and relief washes over me that she’s thinking about Lily in this situation. I say, “I think that’s wise, and very thoughtful of you, Sierra.”

  “Just doing my part to muddy the lines of the different clans in the kingdom.” She smiles at me because she knows one of my greatest dreams is to see our territory live in peace.

  I smile back. “Thanks.”

  Ashton says, “We need to discuss the Ouellette clan.” The Ouellette clan is in New Brunswick, Canada, where Isabelle and Helga died, and I brace myself against a rush of grief as Ashton says, “In our short time there I got the sense that something is going on, so I followed up on my hunch.” He glances at Brady.

  Brady says, “While we’ve managed to maintain a low profile with the humans here, it’s not so for the Canadian clans. We believe there are human hunters after the Ouellette. And while we are very concerned for them, the implications are something we can’t ignore for us either.”

  My stomach sinks as I choke down my mouthful of eggs. If the human population here found out what we were, I’m afraid we’d never be able to contain it. After more than a century of living among them undetected, we’ve felt safe. Nobody speaks as we all process the danger that could be coming our way.

  Tori’s voice doesn’t sound quite real when she says, “Then we’ll do what we have to do. Count on the Veilleux to be part of the plan.”

  Brady nods at her, and I take a moment to study the girl. Like the other human women I watched change into werebear, she’s more solid than she used to be. And like Carly, she’s taken on an air of power that commands your attention. I glance around the table and realize I’m in the presence of two current alpha, one in waiting, and about to be married to the fourth. We are a good portion of who the entire population of werebear in Northern Maine depend on to keep them safe.

  I say, “I’m not prima yet. But I’m confident you can count on the De Rozier clan, too.”

  Brady reaches out his hands. He’s got hold of Carly’s, and Tori grasps the one he extends to her as she reaches for me. I squeeze Carly’s fingers to complete the circle as Brady says, “I think the lines between our clans are about to disappear completely. This fight could make the difference between life and death of werebear beyond just our kingdom.”

  Carly looks at Tori. “You are the final piece in a master plan to prepare us for survival. I’m so glad you answered the call.”

  A white glow appears around Tori and Carly’s clasped hands as Tori nods and says, “Me too.”

  Part I

  Part 8

  Annie - Tristan revealed a startling truth, and now I’m sure he was sent by the devil. Our true mate bond means I have to figure out if I can spend the rest of my life with Satan himself or with the pain of being apart.

  Isabelle - My near-death experience gave me magical powers just in time. It seems I’m destined to save more than Jean Luc, and I have to return to Maine to save Tristan too. But when I get there, will I sacrifice too much?

  Chapter 1


  I wake to the aroma of coffee and squint at the clock. Usually I’m the first one up, and when I roll over, I realize Tristan is gone. He must need to get into the office early today. As much as I’d like to stay in bed for the half hour before I have to rise, I get up and make my way to the kitchen. The oven timer beeps as Tristan sets it when I enter, and he turns to me.

  I notice the ingredients for blueberry muffins on the counter and ask, “You’re making muffins?”

  “I am.” Hot coffee gurgles into a cup as he pours it and says, “Today we register the girls for kindergarten, and since I’m taking the morning off, I thought I would cook for you for a change.”

  I take the mug he hands me, and it’s hot on my fingers. I’m surprised he’s coming to the school with me. While he’s warmed up to his daughters, Tristan isn’t what I’d call nurturing, and I think he likes that I take care of his children for him.

  “Oh,” I say. “The triplets are going to be very excited to have you with us.”

  “I think you might be too. Handling the three of them all alone is work.”

  “I have leashes.”

  Tristan jerks before he realizes my joke. He replaces his surprise with a smile as he embraces me. “I have no idea how I got so lucky.” He leans down to kiss me.

  “I feel like I’m the lucky one, Tristan.”

  He releases me to go to the fridge, and bright light illuminates him when he opens the door. His face is shadowed as he says, “You didn’t think that when we first met.”

  I recall how I found Tristan stark naked on a bus bench waiting for me when he first arrived. He said his clothes were filthy from days of travel, so he took them off. I marched him right over to Carly’s tattoo studio to get him some more. “No,” I say. “I didn’t.”

  I also remember when we first touched. I was so distraught by his public nudity where humans might discover him I didn’t notice we were true mates. But he did, and that was the beginning of his teasing me about our physical attraction. I thought I’d been cursed with more than infertility.

  I say, “You were relentless with your taunting.”

  Tristan takes my cup from my hand, and it thumps on the counter as he sets it down and pulls me against his body. “You are awfully easy to tease.” He strokes my face, and his touch sends a shiver down my spine. �
�The flush on your cheeks is so sexy.”

  I let out a low rumble as desire floods my body. But my feelings for Tristan are much deeper than lust. I say, “I never expected to find another true mate or get a family. You’ve made my wishes come true.”

  He leans down to kiss me again, but this time his tongue darts in my mouth, and we drink each other in as he communicates telepathically with me. “As you have mine.”

  The sound of little feet pitter-pattering over the wood floor of the living room should break us apart, but I linger until one of the girls squeals, “Daddy!”

  I pull away, and Tristan crouches down to scoop up his daughters in an embrace. He says, “Today is the beginning of you all becoming too smart for me.”

  Ellie says, “Uh-uh, Annie says you’re a genius.”

  Tristan glances over at me and says, “That’s because she is too.” He sets the girls down and tilts his head at them. “I think today should be the beginning of something else.” He stands up and comes over to put his arm around my shoulders. “I think you should start calling Annie Mommy.”

  I say, “Tristan—”

  He says “Shhh. You’re their mother now and deserve the title.”

  Tears fill my eyes as Tristan says to the girls, “Try it out.” They all say Mommy as I crouch down to gather them up in my arms.

  “I couldn’t have asked for three better children.” I touch each little nose with my finger as I say, “I love you, Eva, Echo, and Ellie.”

  Tristan says, “All right everyone, sit. Breakfast is almost ready.” He looks at me. “You too, Mommy.”

  I swipe the stray tear off my cheek as I smile at my mate. I think about how fortunate I am for this new phase in my life. Glasses of juice thump down on the table as the girls climb into their chairs. Little Echo is paler than the other two, and I’m sure it’s because she’s nervous, so I explain what’s going to happen today. My little observer might need a trial run for our first day of school too, and I hatch a plan to have a practice day to prepare them.

  When breakfast is ready Tristan sits next to me, and I reach over to touch his thigh. His quads are firm under my fingers as I communicate with him. “I love you.”

  “Love you too.” Tristan listens intently to his daughters as they chatter on, and I reflect on how much he’s changed since arriving in Maine. The cocky man who hid behind a brash persona has become a kind, gentle person who’s trying to be a better father to his children than he was in the past.

  Tristan’s business, Arctic Vodka, is flourishing as well. He receives awards and accolades for the distinctive flavor of his alcohol, and I won’t be surprised when his commitment to customer service starts to capture attention too. I’m lucky to have found such an amazing true mate.

  When breakfast is over, the girls help clear the table before Tristan sends them upstairs to brush their teeth and wash their hands before we go. My mate helps me clean the kitchen. Dishes rattle as I shut the dishwasher. “That’s it,” I say. “When the triplets finish we should probably go.”

  Tristan says, “This is a big day I wasn’t sure would happen.” His face is serious as he reaches for my hands.

  His grip is strong when he grabs onto my fingers, and I say, “Oh, I think it would have. I can’t imagine Tristan the genius wouldn’t have found somewhere to go if we hadn’t invited you here.”

  My mate threads his fingers though mine and steps closer. “Annie—” He sighs as his brow knits.

  “What is it?”

  “There’s something I need to tell you.” Little-girl voices carry toward us as the children approach. “It’s important.”

  “Sure.” The look on his face sends a flicker of fear through my veins, and a horrifying thought hits me. What if the triplets’ real mother is going to return and take my family away? I say, “Let’s talk when we return and the girls go off with the nanny.”

  Tristan nods as worry takes me to dangerous places. While I hope my fear of losing the girls is unwarranted, I sense that whatever else it could be won’t be a welcome replacement. I gaze into my mate’s eyes as I brace myself for a shock and say, “We can handle anything that comes our way, Tristan. I’m sure of it.”

  He releases my hands to pull me tight against his chest instead. His heartbeat races. “Just love me, Annie. Just love me.”

  Chapter 2


  My pencil scratches against paper as I draw. I’m working the desk at Ink It and focused on creating a dragon design tattoo for a client of Sierra’s. While Sierra could easily do this herself, I think she’s trying to distract me from the mess my life is right now. My spare time is alternated between Sven and Serge so that I can discover which of my true mates is my destiny. It’s making me crazy.

  I let out a big sigh, and paper rips from my sketchpad as I tear out a page to wad up in a ball. I toss it behind my head without looking, and a moment later it lands back on the counter in front of me. I turn to find Ian, the guy who runs Kick It, the martial arts center that shares our space.

  “Hey,” he says.

  “Hey yourself. It’s been a while.” I’ve blown off a few workouts lately. As I stretch my arms up over my head my tight muscles remind me of what a slacker I’ve been.

  “I miss you,” says Ian. “But I hear you’ve got two polar bears vying for your attention.” Ian shakes his head as he grins at me. “Two true mates, Lucy. Ever thought about just doing the poly thing?”

  What is it with everyone thinking I could possibly handle Sven and Serge at the same time? “They’d kill each other.” I wink at him. “Or me. Ever been with a polar bear? They’re the ones who could use two mates.”

  Ian chuckles. “I might like that.”

  I toss the paper ball at him, and it bounces off his chest. “I bet.” I used to have a major crush on Ian, and he certainly knows his way around women, if the rumors are true.

  “I’ve got a free spot in an hour if you’d like to work out with me.”

  I keep exercise clothes in my car, and sparring with Ian sounds like just what I need to burn off some of the frustration building in me. I say, “That sounds great. I finish up here in a half hour.”

  “Awesome. Come on over when you’re ready.” Ian leaves me, and I get back to my sketching.

  The door opens abruptly, and I know it’s Serge before I glance up. He’s the kind of guy who takes up space, and his presence is never missed. Even his scent seems to be stronger than most werebears’. I’m not sure why, but I’m instantly annoyed when he leans down expecting a quick kiss.

  My irritation disappears as soon as our lips brush and the rush of true mate attraction takes over. He says, “We’re going for ice cream.”

  I flash back to when Sven came to get me for our first date. We went out for cones too. He was awkward and sweet, and the memory makes me smile.

  “Aha,” says Serge. “I knew it. You missed me.”

  “Actually, I haven’t had a chance to miss you, since you took me out to breakfast before work.”

  “It’s my day; I intend to make the most of it.” Serge crosses his arms over his chest to pump out his biceps with his hands as he puffs up his chest like a peacock displaying his feathers.

  I sigh. Sven and Serge are such opposites. Sven lets me lead in how much time we spend together, while Serge takes advantage of every moment I’m free. I say, “I was going to work out with Ian after my shift. I’ve missed my training sessions, Serge. I hope you don’t mind.”

  He scowls. “So what am I supposed to do until you’re done?”

  Serge hasn’t bothered to get a job yet, and I’m beginning to wonder if he plans to live off my money if we end up together.

  I shrug. “You could work out too, if you want. There’s plenty of equipment in the gym.”

  “Naw. I don’t have my stuff, and then I’d have to go home and shower again.”

  “You can shower here, and I bet Ian has something you could wear.” I know he’s going to decline, because Serge is high-mainte
nance when it comes to grooming.

  “I’ll figure something out.” Serge pulls his cell phone out of his pocket and checks it. He’s been here for two weeks, and he’s got more going on in his social life than some of us who have lived here all our lives. He says, “Text me when you’re done, and I’ll come get you.”

  “Thanks. I really need to exercise.” I offer a sly smile and pump up his ego. “Keeping up with you requires being in shape.”

  He waggles his eyebrows at me and tugs on the door to leave as he says, “You know it, baby.”

  Baby. I stare at the closed door, and my heart twinges with longing for my other nickname, Little Bear. The one Sven gave me. But I push the thought away, because it’s not fair that everything Serge does gets compared to his brother’s actions. I’m in love with Sven, and that gives him an advantage.

  After an exhausting training session with Ian my mood has improved, and my fingers tap on my phone as I text Serge.

  “Done. Where should I meet you?”

  “I’m at Jefferson Manor.”

  The last time I was at Jefferson Manor was when I went to tell my brother, Luke, that Isabelle had died. I wonder how he’s doing. It’s been a few weeks, and other than an occasional text check-in, I haven’t spent time with him. I make a mental note to force Luke to see me this week.

  I text Serge back. “I’ll be there in ten.”

  When I arrive at the restaurant I head straight to the bar, where I know Serge will be waiting for me. My brother’s laugh rings out as I get closer, and it surprises me. It’s late afternoon, and Luke should be working at our father’s law office. He sees me too and raises his hand in a wave to come join him. He speaks in a voice that’s too loud, “Lucy!”

  Great. He’s drunk.

  Serge is sitting farther down the bar, and I glance at him before I stop to talk to my brother. Luke asks, “What’s the perfect one doing here in the middle of the day? Aren’t you supposed to be saving poverty-stricken clans?”