Tempted by the Bear - Book 3 Read online
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Everyone else feels this good most of the time? “Really?” He nods as I add, “But there is one thing we can’t ignore.”
“Yes. I need to contact my brother and let him know I’m alive.”
“Tristan, I’m—” It occurs to me that now that I’m too far away to communicate telepathically with him right now.
The muscles of Jean Luc’s jaw are working as he scowls. He sighs and says, “Isabelle, you can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I’m so sorry, ma cherie. I cannot tell you.” He takes my hand to grasp it in both of his. “Not yet.”
“Jean Luc,” I plead. “He cares about me. I can’t let him mourn me any longer.”
“You have to. It’s the only way to keep him safe.”
“And you can’t tell me why?”
“No.” He studies my face with an intense stare for a moment before he says, “Trust me, Isabelle.”
Something powerful changed me when I had my brush with death, because now I have magic, a true mate bond, and I’m willing to trust a man I’ve known for little more than a day. More than willing. I know I must. I say, “Okay. I do.”
Chapter 11
The driveway to the Veilleux mansion is spectacular, and I’m awestruck as I make my way toward it to meet Lily for tea. The long, straight road is lined with old oak trees that form a canopy, and sunlight streams in between the leaves. It’s like driving through nature’s laser show. The trees stop to expose a vast expanse of perfect lawn before me as if someone rolled out a green carpet for my approach. The incredibly large, Victorian-style house on the hill is painted dark gray with white trim, and there’s even a fountain with marble benches set out like ancient patio furniture designed to last for centuries. I feel like I’m back in Connecticut, where I grew up and these kinds of homes were the norm, instead of the middle of nowhere, Maine.
Crushed stone grinds under my tires when I pull up the horseshoe-shaped driveway, where I notice a black town car. A man in dark slacks and a dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up is waxing the sedan. He comes to my door and opens it when I turn off my engine.
“Welcome, Miss Veilleux. I’m Thomas.” Veilleux? I suppose that is my name now. He bows to me, and I’m a little confused as to what I should do. He stands and says, “I’m so honored to meet the new Veilleux alpha.”
He extends his hand to help me out, and I’m grateful Carly told me to wear something nicer than jeans. If I’m going to be treated like royalty, I’m glad I look the part.
“Thank you,” I say as I smooth out my skirt. My heels are going to be a bit awkward in the loose stones, but Thomas takes my arm and leads me the few steps it takes to get to a paved walkway. He releases me but continues on by my side.
He says, “As you can tell, I’m the driver, and once you reside here I’ll be happy to take you anywhere you wish.”
Reside here? This is news to me, and I wonder what else I’m going to learn today. Thomas opens the door to the house for me, and I’m greeted by Lily, three car seats complete with little boys, and a woman I assume is the nanny.
Lily says, “I’m so glad you got here in time. Meet your little brothers.”
I watch the three boys squirm in their car seats. I have three little half brothers. I knew that. But I hadn’t given it much thought.
“This is Jackson, Justin, and Jason.”
I squat down to touch little bare toes and say hello. They’re super-cute, with heads full of dark hair and the sparking green eyes of a Veilleux. I imagine I’ll like seeing them grow up. The nanny says, “We’ve got to go.”
Lily sighs. “I know.” She kisses each little boy on the head and says, “See you next week, sweeties.”
I remember that she shares custody with Sierra because it was believed one of the boys would be the next Veilleux alpha. I don’t know Lily well enough to ask what’s going to happen now, since she no longer has a claim to the babies as the current prima and leader. Once Thomas helps the nanny take the children, Lily brings me into a room that was probably the original parlor. It’s tastefully decorated in the same style as the house, and I sink into a couch that is so comfortable, I imagine curling up on it with a good book. Lily sits in an overstuffed chair off to the side.
This is my kind of house, and I have a pang of longing for it when I think about Keith’s more modern home. I say, “You must love it here.”
An older woman enters with a tea setup and a plate of heart-shaped cookies. The tray thumps on the coffee table, and Lily says, “Thank you, Carol.”
Lily says, “I do love it here.” She stares at me for a moment as if she’s not sure if she should say something. She leans forward to pour us tea and says, “It’s wonderful to live in a house with history. But I suppose I’ll eventually have to find another.”
“What makes you say that?” I take the cup she offers me, and honey oozes into the liquid as I pour it from a tiny pitcher.
“It’s rightfully yours,” says Lily.
“Oh.” This alpha stuff is going to take some getting used to. But I suppose as Victor’s alpha heir, I’ve inherited a lot more than a house. “No. You don’t need to move. I planned on living at Keith’s house.”
“As the clan alpha you’re going to have to move onto Veilleux land, Tori. Can you imagine the president living in another country?”
“Right.” I frown as I think about how much the Veilleux have hurt my mate, Keith. I can’t imagine he’s going to like this plan. “I don’t know how I’m going to get Keith to do that. He still holds so much anger over Victor killing his mate, Taylor.”
Now Lily frowns at me. “Victor didn’t kill Taylor. Does he really think that?”
“That’s what he told me.”
“My husband did a lot of awful things, but he didn’t kill Keith’s mate. Patricia ordered our medicine man to do it.”
“Patricia?” I have a cookie in my hand, but I don’t take a bite as I wait for her explanation.
“Yes. Unfortunately your grandmother is the truly evil one in this clan, although Victor certainly played his part. But I’ve been working on changing that.” She lifts her teacup and sits back to cross her legs. “It’s my hope that you’ll take what I’ve started and bring peace to this clan.”
“Of course.” I take a bite of the cookie and savor the sweet buttery flavor before I ask, “How long has the Veilleux-Le Roux feud existed?”
“I’m not sure. There isn’t one thing that points to the beginning. I think it was born from a building resentment over the years that the Le Roux were the decision makers for the whole kingdom.”
“I can see where that wouldn’t sit well with an alpha.” My teacup rattles on the saucer when I set it down. “We don’t like to be told what to do.”
“Exactly. But the new council is making headway toward change. It really is healthy for all three clans to make the decisions together.”
I nod as she speaks. “How are the Le Roux handling the shared power?”
“Quite well, actually. I think Brady is a forward thinker and embraces the need for the new way of ruling the kingdom.”
“Good. So tell me more about the council.”
Lily explains the inner workings of the group of people who run the Northeast Kingdom. She assures me that she plans to sit on the council as long as I want her to, and that when she steps down she’ll be here for me. Since this is the only life she knows now, I insist she stays at the house even after I move in.
Our new relationship is easy, and we’re laughing at little things by the end of our conversation. I take a sip of my tea that is now cold before I say, “Hey, you’re my step-mother. What should I call you?”
“Oh goodness, that makes me feel horribly old. Can we just pretend I’m your friend instead?”
I glance around the room and Lily asks, “Would you like a tour of your new home?”
“I would.” As we exit the parlor I
place my hand on the door frame, and it’s smooth under my fingers from years of varnish and waxed polish. Our shoes tread softly on an oriental carpet that runs the length of the hallway, and I take in the ornate details of the place I’ll soon call home. I will be happy here.
When we walk by the basement, Lily opens the door for us to peer down. A cold breeze wafts up toward us, and a tiny chill runs through me. My stomach flips as I try to imagine Keith living here with me, and I wonder if he’ll find a way to be happy in Victor’s old house. It’s strange that Keith told me Victor killed Taylor when Lily insists he didn’t. Could Lily be refusing to see the truth? Or is there more to this than I know? Whatever it is, I intend to get to the bottom of it.
Chapter 12
I think steam might be coming out of my ears, I’m so mad. When I arrived at Annie’s this morning, Nadia must have seen me pull up, because she just arrived smelling like Sven in his T-shirt to borrow cream. While I don’t detect the odor of them being together, the scent of the man I love on another werebear makes me want to gouge the smirk on her face right off. Plus, I bought cream on my grocery run yesterday, and I know she’s here to flaunt her claim.
Annie runs interference, and the fridge door snicks shut as she hands Nadia a carton and asks, “Are you settling in okay working at the lumber mill?”
“Yes. I’m enjoying it.” Nadia twists her ponytail with her hand and adds, “I’ve been meaning to tell you how much Sven and I love the bed in our room.” She glances at me as she says, “So cozy.”
A low rumble forms in my chest, and I squeeze my coffee cup so hard I’m afraid it’s going to shatter in my hand. Nadia grins as she scans my body with her gaze. She says, “I think someone needs a run.” She waves her fingers at us. “Thanks for the cream.”
When the door slams behind her I let out a huff. “I really hate that woman.”
Annie rubs my arm, and her touch is soothing. “She’s trying to get to you. Sven still sleeps here.”
“Thank you for telling me that.” I take a sip of my coffee to swallow down my anger before I say, “I wish this whole mess was over.”
Annie cocks an eyebrow at me, and I know why. I’ve avoided going out with Serge, and I do need to spend time with him if I’m going to figure out which twin is the true mate I’m destined to be with. Yesterday I decided I had to deal and made plans with Serge. I say, “I have a date with Serge today.”
“Good. I know this is frustrating for you, but I think the sooner you sort this out, the happier everyone will be.”
I glance out the window, and my heartbeat quickens as I notice Serge walking our way. I say, “I know. Here he comes.”
We’re going to a local lake for canoeing and a picnic. He’s in a pair of turquoise board shorts and a tight tee that does little to hide his muscular chest. He’s stockier than Sven was when he arrived, and I wonder how it is Serge came here so well fed.
I walk to the sink, and water rushes as I rinse my coffee cup before Serge gets in the house. He enters the kitchen, and Annie hands him car keys as they greet each other. I had expected to drive, since that’s what I’ve been doing for the De Rozier clan since they got here, so this is a treat. I smile as Serge turns to me and asks, “Ready?”
“Let’s go.”
While a part of me was dreading our date, I think today will be fun. It’s a beautiful summer day, and the heat makes me happy we’ll get to cool off at the lake. So far my break from school has been full of work, with little time for play. Annie hands Serge the picnic basket she prepared, and I lead the way to her car.
Annie drives a Hummer, and Serge fits his seven-foot-something frame easily behind the wheel. I ask, “When was the last time you drove?”
Serge whips the car backward with ease before shifting into drive with a click. “A couple weeks ago.”
I learned from Sven that many of the De Rozier were in their bear form to survive for the last few years, so I’m surprised. I ask, “Really?”
Serge cuts me a glance. “Really. I chose not to become a bear to get through the hard times.”
“How exactly did you make ends meet?” Plastic slides easily over my nose as I put on my sunglasses.
“I used what comes naturally.” Serge grins to reveal a mouthful of white teeth. “My charm.”
I snort. “You charmed your way into food and shelter.” Serge frowns, and I wonder if I hit a nerve. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to sound so callous. What did you do?”
“I worked for an escort service.”
Oh god. “You mean—”
“No. I didn’t sleep with women for money. I was a date for social engagements.”
“A date? I thought that was something that happened in movies.” I imagine him holding the arm of old ladies dressed in designer suits and pearls.
“It happens in real life too.”
“What was it like?”
“Not bad. I met a lot of interesting people, ate fabulous food, and mastered the art of small talk with anyone.”
“Did some of your clients hit on you?”
“Sometimes, but I got good at turning them down gracefully. Being an escort is a lot like being an actor. I played the part of a charming date and in return got paid handsomely for it.”
I gaze at Serge and imagine he’s quite attractive in a suit. “That explains why you aren’t thin the way Sven was when he arrived.”
He nods. “Sven could have done it too, but he’s not good at pretending.”
“No.” Sven isn’t fond of humans, and I can imagine he preferred solitude instead. “I suppose not.”
The blinker ticks softly as we slow down to turn on the dirt road that leads to the canoe rental shop. Serge grabs a backpack and the picnic basket before he gets out, and when I get to him he grabs my hand. “Lucy, thanks for coming. I know this isn’t easy for you, but I think you’ll have fun with me today.”
I pull my fingers away. Our connection has sent a rush of warmth through me. “Of course I will. You’re a professional escort, Serge.” My sarcasm makes me wince. “I’m being snarky, sorry. I know this isn’t easy for you either. I can’t imagine having to compete with my twin for a true mate.”
Serge places an arm around my shoulders. “Don’t be. Even if I’m not the one, I won’t regret spending time with you until we find out.” We enter a wooden shack that is hot from baking in the sun, and the scent of pine is strong. Rows of paddles hang on a rack before us. I gaze up into his pale-blue eyes as he asks, “So are you any good at this?”
The varnish of a paddle is smooth in my hand as I grab it and say, “Never been.”
Serge chuckles before he says, “Me either.”
The guy behind the counter says, “It’s easy. You’ll be fine.” Serge hands him money as I shake my head and say, “Good thing I planned on swimming.”
Sand crunches under my feet as I walk out of the building toward the canoes. When I glance over my shoulder at Serge, I discover his gaze is on my butt. He smirks at me catching him and lets out a growl that make me tremble, and he says, “Please tell me you wore a thong.”
Heat rises to my face as I recall the way he pressed up against the back of me the first time we met. I turn and walk backward as I say, “Get me to the middle of the lake, and I’ll let you find out.”
Serge is close to me, and he slips an arm around my waist to pull me into an embrace. “Careful what you promise, because the idea of you without any clothes on has been my constant fantasy since the day we met.”
It’s been the same for me. And the scariest part is my fantasies seem to interchange between both Serge and Sven to the point where they’ve become the same. My body trembles at our contact, and Serge lets out another low growl that begins an ache of desire in my core. The scent of our combined arousal is almost too much, and I swallow hard before I pull away. “I’m going to need a swim. Soon.”
Serge raises his eyebrows at me and says, “Yeah. That’s what we need, Lucy.” He winks a
t me and adds, “A swim.”
The vision of Serge naked and wet flashes in my mind, and I quickly replace him with Sven. But all that does is make my stomach queasy, so I close my eyes for a second to push it away. I’ve got to figure out which one of my true mates is the right one, and soon, because my body wants them both, and I’m dangerously close to letting it win.
Chapter 13
Brady opens the front door of his home before I get to it. He holds his arms out for me, and I step into his embrace as he says, “How’s my sister holding up? It’s been a long week for you.”
I squeeze him back as I let tension melt away. I’m here for our weekly breakfast meeting. “It has, but I’m doing okay.”
“How’s Tristan?”
I think about how my mate has moved on from Isabelle and Helga’s death as if nothing happened. But I think it’s his way of coping. “He’s managing too. All I can do for him is be there.” We release each other and make our way to the kitchen. I inhale the delicious smells of maple, bacon, and coffee.
Familiar voices are engaged in conversation, and I realize I’m the last one here. This is the first time I haven’t come early enough to help Carly cook, and it’s a bittersweet realization. My attendance at these meetings won’t happen once I become the De Rozier prima.
My mother smiles at me while Tori tells a story. Keith has a plate of food in his hand and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before he sits at the table. Sierra and Ashton are already seated with Tori and Donna, and they nod in greeting. I walk over to the coffee pot, and Carly squeezes my shoulders. Her pregnancy adds a slightly sweet note to her scent, and I ask, “How are you feeling?”
She rubs her stomach, and the plate she hands me is cool in my fingers as she says, “Great. They’re so easy to take care of before they’re born.”
I smile at my sister-in-law as I load eggs onto my dish. I go join everyone at the table in the empty seat next to my mother.