Happy Howlidays: Shifters in Love Romance Collection (Shifter in Love Book 1) Page 5
A week.
What the hell was I thinking?
But then every cell in my body demanded that I claim him as mine. He was my mate and he should be sleeping in my bed. The other night I’d kinda floated the idea of him coming upstairs with me and he’d very calmly—read: eyes silver and muscles bunching—explained to me that if the physical side of our relationship went any further, one or both of us might not be able to hold back from claiming our mate. Therefore, we were doing the whole ‘no sex before marriage’ thing.
Damn. I really was falling in love with the guy.
A hand squeezed my shoulder and I smiled up at Tom, reaching up and stealing a kiss before wrapping my arms around his waist. He looked like he was going to say something, but hesitated, then the door swung open, ejecting Mac and Ester, who was clutching her stomach like she didn’t trust the baby to stay put.
“Go okay?” I asked as we walked toward the exit.
She huffed, scrunching up her nose. “They’ve decided they need to induce me.”
“Because of the swelling?” Ester’s ankles were only getting worse. Any longer and she was running risk of complications.
“Yep.” Her answer was short and sharp.
Mac rubbed his wife’s back, standing guard at her side and herding ignorant people out of the way. “She’s pissed because she asked for Christmas Day.”
“And they gave us the 27th December.” She threw her hands in the air. “I’ve been a good girl. I wrote it on my list and mailed it to the North Pole.” She pointed her fingers at her stomach, as if to emphasis her good deed for the year.
Mac rolled his eyes, carefully hidden behind her, of course. “They wrote back saying that while they appreciated the honor we were bestowing upon them by naming our baby Rein Dearing, they wouldn’t be able to help with the due date situation.”
Tom just had to ask, “Did they give a reason why?”
Ester lurched around. Slowly. “Because apparently that stuff’s dealt with by another department.”
I shot Tom a horrified look. Did he have a death wish?
Luckily for him, Mac distracted Ester with promises of a raspberry snow cone.
Right as we walked out into the middle of a mild snowstorm. The way Ester had been eyeing the sidewalk recently, we’d taken to checking her bag for hidden raspberry syrup.
“Right. Christmas shopping!” I declared.
Both men groaned. Human or shifter, the male species never changed.
Later that evening, we finished putting the final touches on the tree. Ester had directed us from her throne—the couch—and we all took a few steps back to appreciate our handiwork.
Twinkle lights sparkled and ornaments glittered. Shiny red beads looped around branches and neon pink and white candy canes were dotted around. The house smelled of Christmas, the last of the sugar cookies I’d whipped up earlier disappearing under a rush of hands. Rather than eggnog, we were sipping on mulled cider. Nonalcoholic, since Ester shouldn’t drink, Mac was on call for emergencies tonight, and it took a lot of human alcohol to affect shifters. Our metabolism was too fast, so we burned it off.
“It’s perfect.” I hooked my arm through Ester’s, blinking back sudden moisture in my eyes. I was going to miss her.
She squeezed my arm. “We’ll visit all the time.”
“Well, we’ll have to, since you and Tom are going to be Godparents.” She laughed at my shocked expression.
I whipped around to Tom, then clocked his expression. His very unsurprised expression. “Did you know about this?”
He held up his hands, as if to ward off an attack. “Ester came to me and asked if there was any way to obtain special permission for you to come back for the christening.”
Ester was bouncing next to me. “And Tom managed to wrangle it! And I swore him to secrecy until we knew for sure it was going to happen. March 26th, you’re breaking out, baby!”
I grabbed her in a hug.
“And I’ll be able to drink! Alcohol, come to me my precious ones, how I’ve missed you.” She peered into her cup of mulled non-alcoholic cider and sneered. “You’re fooling nobody.” But she still downed the rest.
“Who’s for a game of monopoly?” Mac wiggled the box in his hands.
Oh dear. I think Mac was about to get a bit of a shock, since he was the only one here that didn’t have a competitive streak a mile wide. “Let’s do this.”
“Top Hat!”
Mac scowled, holding up the last piece, since the others had gone missing ages ago. “Boot.”
“What did you get me for Christmas?”
I bit back the laughter. “For the umpteenth time, I’m not telling you.”
Her face scrunched up into an adorable scowl. “Come on. It’s tomorrow! Everyone knows that some countries open their presents on Christmas Eve.” Then she pouted. It was so out of character for her, that I couldn’t hold the laughter back any longer. Which ended up in a tickling match.
Once she had me pinned to the floor, legs straddling me and hands around my wrists, she grinned, her eyes unfocused as she wriggled on my lap. A puff of air escaped on a soft hum and she leaned down to kiss me, nipping at my lips until I gave in to her demands.
I was definitely a winner in this situation, which was why I didn’t mind one bit that I was the one on the bottom. I ground up against her as I chased her lips.
A squeal echoed through the house.
I was hot on Julie’s heels up the stairs as we tore into Ester’s room. Julie’s best friend stood there, eyes wide and her mouth hanging open.
“What—?” Julie slapped her hand over her mouth and I peered over her shoulder.
There was a large wet puddle on the floor.
I pointed in its general direction. “Is that?”
“Well, I didn’t pee my goddamn pants, did I?”
I bit back any form of retort. Pregnant women, especially ones that were now actually in labor were allowed to say whatever the hell they wanted. I’d been educated in the last two weeks and earned a gold star. It was on the fridge and no way was I losing it for bad behavior. And it was the law, so said Ester Dearing—the scariest and nicest woman I’d ever met.
“I’m having a baby!” She also looked like she was calling down the wrath of the Gods, the way she was waving her fists at the ceiling. “And it’s Christmas Eve!” Her loud whoop dissolved into a sound I never needed to hear again, but was one hundred percent sure I wouldn’t get a choice in the matter. She hunched over and grabbed her stomach, Julie running over to offer support.
Fingers were snapped at me, orders issued, Mac was called, curses screamed, and then we were off to the hospital.
“I am not sticking my head in that room again.” I was still shaking from the last encounter, when I’d drawn the short straw and had been sent in to find out how things were ‘coming along’.
‘Good’ the doctor had reported.
I couldn’t begin to understand how what I had seen could ever be described as good.
Meanwhile, Julie was having a great time laughing at my discomfort.
We were standing side by side, propping up the wall as we listening to a Christmas CD interlaced with intermittent wailing. We’d already overdosed on the sludge that passed as coffee and Ester was well into her seventh hour of labor. I shuddered, having a flashback.
“How the heck will you cope when it’s your own kids being born?”
My heart stuttered at the thought of children with Julie’s eyes and hair. Pushing away from the wall, I caged her between my arms. “I will hold your hand and tell you how beautiful you look as you bring our children into the world.”
Wide eyes met mine. A moment, then, “I want that,” she blurted out.
Hope flared. “Children?”
She reached up and cupped my cheeks,
shadows clinging beneath eyes that were all at once alert again, despite the late hour. “You. Children. The works.” She chewed her bottom lip, her tell that she was nervous, but wasn’t finished, so I waited. Almost. I stole a kiss, easing the bruised flesh away from her teeth and capturing it with my own. We broke away breathless. “I’m sorry it’s taken me this long to decide.”
“It’s been two weeks, sweetheart. I would have waited however long it took for you to be certain. A year. Two years.” I shook my head. “Ten years.” My hands slid down the wall and I traced my thumb across her cheek, following the line of her jaw. “From the moment I met you, there was only you. Ever.”
She swallowed, blinking back tears. “Tom, will you be my mate?”
I rubbed my nose against hers, my voice husky with emotion when I replied, “I would be honored, my love.”
Our lips met and it was soft and gentle, emotion bubbling just under the surface as we sealed our promise.
“I love you.” I pressed the words into her skin as I kissed my mate, the woman who had chosen to stand by my side.
“I—” Her voice caught and I hushed her.
“There’s no need.”
“It’s not … I love you, too.” She pulled back so she could look me in the eyes. “It got stuck because it’s so big, my love for you.” She shook her head. “I still struggle to understand how the heck it happened so fast, but it did and there’s no point denying it.”
I reached into my pocket and withdrew the small package I’d stashed there earlier as we were running out of the house. “Christmas Eve present.”
“Oh, Tom. I didn’t—” She gasped when the wrapping parted. “It’s beautiful.” She held the tiny platinum charm between the tips of her fingers, twirling it in the light. “A wolf. He’s beautiful.” She removed her bracelet and we found a free space. “He looks dominant.”
“Oh, he is.”
“Maybe an enforcer?”
I pretended to think about it. “Possibly. He looks tough.”
“Then he can guard my bracelet. Only fair, since a wolf brought it back to me.”
I stifled a shudder. “And this wolf is thankful every day that he was in the right place at the right time.”
“Fate, right?”
A high pitched wail cut through the air, different from all of the previous noise. It settled into a steady rhythm, ebbing and flowing before dying down completely.
I checked my phone. 12:07am. “Ester got her Christmas baby.”
The door opened and Mac popped his head out. “You guys coming in?”
We peered at him, both equally wary. Hah. And she’d acted all tough before.
I took one for the team. “Is it safe now?”
Mac met my eyes and all I could see in them was pure joy. So, being the father really did make a difference. Hopefully. I could deal with fights and brawls, no way was I letting childbirth beat me. “Come meet our boy.”
“A boy?” Julie said, racing into the room.
Ester sat in the bed, pillows plumped up behind her, looking drawn and washed out, but she was wearing the most beautiful smile as she looked down at the bundle in her arms. “I’d like you to meet Edward Joshua Dearing, our gorgeous son.”
Little Edward was a chunky boy for being early, with the standard blue eyes and wrinkly skin. He didn’t cry, his little mouth sucking at air as he scrunched his fingers up, then flexed them again.
“Just wait until you see this.” Mac sounded every inch the proud daddy. With a flourish, he tugged the blanket away from the kid’s head to reveal a shock of bright red hair. “Yet again, proof that the Scottish have super sperm.” I wasn’t sure that actually made any sense.
We all looked at him, taking in his smug grin and barely contained excitement. And his shock of bright red hair. Yep, like father, like son.
I caught Julie’s eye as she took hold of Edward, cradling him gently. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.”
“So, with Mac staying overnight at the hospital, we have the house to ourselves.” I glanced at over my shoulder at Tom as I unlocked the front door. I knew my eyes shone with mischief mixed with a healthy dose of lust as I dragged him through the door. Pushing him against the wall, my hips pressing against his, I seized his lips in a scorching kiss.
He grabbed my ass, almost lifting me as he ground his thick length against my center, matching my eagerness with his own.
I pulled back. “Can we… There’s no reason we have to wait, is there?”
His hands slid up beneath my shirt, toying with my bra strap. “To claim each other?” When I nodded, his eyes flashed silver, his voice dropping to a low, rumbly growl. “If you’re still sure, then there’s no reason to wait.”
I yanked his shirt out of his jeans, dragging my nails across his stomach. “I’m sure.” I nipped at his lip. “I want you. Now and always.”
His hands moved to around my waist. “Upstairs?” The corner of his mouth hitched up when I pulled away, giving him a gentle shove so I stayed put.
“I thought wolves enjoyed the hunt.” Then I was off, taking the steps two at a time. I burst through my bedroom door and made it across the room before I spun around.
He appeared in the doorway, his shirt already half unbuttoned to reveal his hard, work honed body. Pulling his shirt off and tossing it to one side, he stalked toward me, muscles flexing and bunching with each step. Determination narrowed his eyes, silver glinting and swirling as his wolf surged to the surface.
Out of instinct, I took a step back, not breaking eye contact.
His mouth tilted up in a predatory grin, which set my heart pounding. But not with fear. No, this was Tom. The man who was going to be my mate. The reason my heart was trying to pound its way out of my chest was pure lust, the cat inside me enjoying the thrill of being stalked, the temptation to run and have him chase us. I was agile and fast, and he was a worthy adversary.
I flashed him my own version of a predatory smile. If he managed to catch me, that is.
I toyed with the hem of my shirt, taking another step back.
“Julie…” His voice was a low growl, tracing a path of fire over my skin.
Pulling my shirt up and off, I sent it to join his on the floor. “Might as well make this interesting, hmmm?” I scooted back a couple of steps as he closed the gap between us, evading his wandering hands. “Uh huh. I might be a small kitty, but I’m a match for you, wolf.” I leaped up onto the bed and shimmied out of my skirt, leaving me clad in bra and panties.
Tom paused, his eyes sweeping a path over me that felt almost like he’d reached out and touched me. Desire tightened his skin, his scent sharpening and taking on deeper undertones, swirling around me in a glorious cloud that made me want to drop to my knees.
Then he performed a double take that had me laughing out loud.
“Do your panties say—?”
I grinned. “Top Pussy? Why, yes they do.”
He licked his lips. Hopefully because he was hungry and he wanted to eat me, of course. “You thought I would need pointers?”
I hooked my thumbs in the side of my panties. “Call it a roadmap. And one of your Christmas presents.”
He chuckled, flicking the button of his jeans open. “I’m always open to suggestions.” His jeans dropped to the floor, along with my jaw.
“I see you’re not offering any kind of a roadmap,” I finally managed to say, while wondering if my eyelids were ever going to return from where they’d retracted into my skull. Oh, man. I was one lucky, lucky girl. I got to play with that—cough, sorry, play with this man—for the rest of my life.
He made a strange noise and I dragged my eyes back to his face. His nose was crinkled as he fought back laughter. “You’re making gimme signals with your eyes.” At my instant dismissal of the absurd accusation—i.e. the rude noise I made—he added, “And with your hands.”
I slowly uncurled my
fingers. But what did he expect? Standing there looking all naked and muscly and irresistible. “Well, you’re already pointing at me, I was just reciprocating.”
He stared at me, as if shocked silent by my wit. “God, I love you.”
I still wasn’t used to him coming out and saying it, it was still so new to me, so I blushed. Which meant my pale skin lit up like a supernova. “And you haven’t even seen my Super Pussy panties yet.”
He moved closer to the bed. “I can’t wait to see you in them. Strip them off you.”
I watched him from my superior height, which in reality was about two inches, even with the bed working in my favor. “Yeah?” I managed to squeeze out as his hand closed around my hip.
He brushed against me, hip to nose, his voice a husky whisper. “Yeah.” Ever so slow, he tugged my panties down, lowering himself to the floor. Bracing myself on his shoulder, I lifted my feet, allowing him to slip them off me. Unhooking my bra, I tossed it away and reached for him, but he shook his head, his hands sliding back up my legs to cup my ass. “You might want to hold on,” he murmured, before he closed the gap and set his mouth on me. Liquid fire lashed at my center as he teased me with his mouth and tongue, setting my legs trembling until I had to grab his shoulders as per his instructions. He pressed my hips forward, taking more of my weight in his hands, delving deeper, sucking and licking until I almost couldn’t take anymore. “Hold on,” he growled, and I was falling, the bed suddenly beneath my back and he had my legs pushed wider, his hand joining his mouth in their quest to drive me insane. I arched into him, grabbing onto a handful of hair, my other hand flailing behind me and pushing against the headboard. He groaned, sending vibrations bouncing through me and I exploded, screaming his name.
“So beautiful when you come.” He crawled up my body, lifting my legs and bending them at the knee as he pushed inside me in one smooth thrust of his hips.
I jerked beneath him, the feeling of having him finally inside me settling into my bones. I felt complete now, as if everything was as it should be. He withdrew, then thrust again, his powerful body moving over mine, hands digging into my thighs and breath ragged.