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Hunter: Greenville Mail Order Brides (Intergalactic Dating Agency Book 13) Read online

Page 4

  “I’ve been thinking.” Hunter pulls a hairpin out of my bun to loosen it. I would usually be tempted to fix my hairdo, this is my workplace after all, but something about the man across from me makes me want let my hair down. “As much as I like to break rules, you don’t.” He tugs another pin out, and my locks tickle my cheeks as they fall around my face. “You need me to run the security project, and I can’t do that until I’m married.” He slides his fingers through my strands to cradle the back of my head in his palm. “I love you, Lexi. I knew you were my mate the moment I saw you.” He slides an arm around my waist and pulls me against his body so that I crane my neck to see him. “Marry me on your lunch break.”

  My heart swells with the warmth of his words. I reach under his shirt and press against the rock hard abdominals of his stomach as I slide my hand up to his chest over his heart. It’s beating quickly, and I wonder if he’s nervous I’ll say no. It’s crazy, but I know I’m in love with him too. The first day we met I couldn’t stop staring at the man with the wild look in his eyes, and when he stared back at me I felt a connection that hummed with what must have been alien energy. I think something in me knew he was my mate. I smile slowly because I may have fallen for him that day too. “I love you, Hunter.”

  “Is that a yes?” He hooks a finger into my blouse and unfastens the first button.

  “Yes. We can do it at the town hall at noon.”

  “Good. And then you should take the afternoon off.”

  I frown. “I’m not--”

  “For medical reasons.” He leans down and kisses the hollow of my neck, and goose bumps of desire break out on my skin as I sigh. “Because I really need you, Lexi.”

  My voice cracks as I ask, “Yeah?”

  Hunter’s hands grip my hips now, and he presses his groin against me so that I feel his hard, thick erection. “Yeah.”

  My knees nearly buckle when he slides his hands around and cups my bottom. “I do feel feverish.”

  “You should spend the afternoon in bed.”

  I nod.

  “With me,” he says before he sears me with a kiss that leaves me hot with need.

  * * *

  Our wedding was a quick ceremony with a confused Nate in attendance as witness. It took me a while to convince my coworker I was serious, even after I showed him that Hunter came up as a perfect match for me. I think Nate may believe I’m under some kind of alien spell, because he asked the town official about the annulment process.

  Hunter’s fingers thread through mine as we walk the two blocks to my apartment. The sun is warm on my face and my loose hair blows in the wind as my heart soars with happiness. While people stare at my large hunky alien as we pass them, he doesn’t appear to notice.

  He says, “You’re quiet. Are you worried about the hackers?”

  “Should I be?”

  “No. Nobody can get in for a while, and I’ll have it fixed for you in plenty of time. But if it makes you feel better, I can start first thing tomorrow.”

  “I still need to get your credentials from Eroscia before you start.”

  Hunter nudges my shoulder with his. “That’s what I plan to give you once we get home.”

  I roll my eyes at him as I bump him back.

  Hunter asks, “How many kids are we going to have?”

  “Two,” I say. “A boy and a girl.”

  “They will be very smart and beautiful.”

  “One will follow the rules.” I squeeze Hunter’s hand. “And the other will want to break them.”

  “But,” says Hunter. “They’ll both have a sense of adventure.”

  My keys jingle as I remove them from my purse, and our feet scrape on granite steps as we climb to the door of my apartment building. “Why do you say that?”

  “Because even though you act cool and collected, you have a daring side.”

  I think about the wildest time in my life which was college. Sure I drank too much at times, and did some crazy things with my girlfriends, but I was a good student and don’t think I ever broke the law. “I think you wish I did.” My lock clicks as I open the door to my home. We enter into my living room with neutral shades of brown furniture brightened up with splashes of turquoise, orange and green in throw pillows, rugs and artwork.

  Hunter wanders toward the large window on the far wall that overlooks the city. “You just married a man you’ve known for about a week. That’s definitely adventurous for an earth girl.”

  My purse thuds on the table as I set it down, and I move toward him. “Ah, but you were a perfect match in my nearly flawless program.” I reach for the hem of his tight T-shirt and lift it up to reveal his broad back rippling with muscles I didn’t know existed. “Where’s the danger in that?”

  He turns toward me as he takes over and removes his shirt. He tosses it, and it lands with a whoosh on the back of the couch. “Kick off your heels for me.”

  I do as he asks and smile, because it was fun compared to the way I usually remove them at my closet so I can immediately put them away. He says, “Now, take off your shirt. Slowly. Tease me.”

  I lift my eyebrows. “I’m not good at being sexy like that.”

  “Why not?”

  I chuckle as I consider it. It’s not something I imagine I would have done for any of my past boyfriends. Clothes usually came off in the heat of the moment. But I find I want to please Hunter. I fiddle with the top button on my shirt. “I’ve never done this, but I’ll give it a shot.”

  “Lexi, the fact you’ll try for me makes me so hot it won’t matter.”

  “Okay.” I walk over and get my phone to place in the speaker system, and pull up a playlist of sultry songs. When the music starts I say, “Go sit on the couch and maybe you’ll get a lap dance.”

  “A what?”

  “Just sit.” I bite my lip as I stand in front of him. I begin to sway to the music. “I feel stupid.”

  Hunter gets up and begins to dance across from me. “Then we’ll do it together.”

  He gyrates his hips, and the buttons of my shirt are slippery in my fingers as I begin to unfasten them. I watch as the muscles of his body flex before me, and I shimmy my shoulders to let my blouse fall off my arms. Hunter inhales deeply as he gazes at my chest. He whispers in his native language, and I imagine he’s telling me how desirable I am.

  When I reach for the back of my skirt, he undoes the button on his shorts, and our zippers hum in unison as we lower them. Hunter gyrates his hips as he takes off his pants and offers me an eyebrow waggle, which makes me smile at him. I wiggle my hips while I tug my pencil skirt down and let it fall to my ankles. Hunter lets out a loud sigh and steps toward me to place his hands on my bottom. His fingers slide under the high cut of my panties and he says, “I’ve changed my mind. I want to do the rest.”

  “Yeah?” I place my arms over his shoulders and press harder against him.

  He groans and slides his hands up my back to unhook my bra. My skin tingles as he removes a strap and kisses my shoulder. “Yeah.” He reveals my breasts slowly and speaks in the musical language of Eroscia before he talks in English. “Everything about you is perfect. You’re the woman of my dreams.” He leans down to suckle a nipple, and the electricity of our connection rushes straight to my toes.

  I hold on to the thick cords of muscle in his shoulders. “You’ve invaded mine for days now.” He pays attention to both my breasts equally as I let out small cries. When I’m ready for more I tug at the waistband of his underwear. The cotton is soft in my hands as I pull his briefs down to his thick thighs, and I glance at what I reveal as his cock juts out. Hunter takes over to finish getting undressed, and now I’m the one to groan with pleasure at what I see. His body is near perfection to me, and his skin is warm under my hands as I slide them over his strong abdomen. “You’re incredible.”

  Hunter backs up and sits on the couch. He motions me over and tugs me between his thighs as he says, “Someone mentioned a lap dance. I assume it’s my lap we’re talking
about?” His fingers hook under the elastic of my underwear, and the silk scrapes against my legs as he pulls them down.

  I kick them off my feet. “Definitely your lap, but I’m not sure how it’s usually done.” The sofa sinks under my knees as I climb on to straddle Hunter’s thighs. “Although, we’re smart, and I think we can figure this out.”

  He slides his fingers between my damp folds, and I gasp when he finds my clit. Currents of pleasure race through me as he rubs. “Take what you want from me, Lexi.”

  The taut skin of his cock is smooth in my hand as I grip him and begin to stroke. “I want you deep inside me, Hunter.” I guide him toward my slick channel and slowly lower myself onto his thickness. I sigh as I take him all the way.

  He grabs my hips and begins to rock with me as I set the pace. “You’re the perfect fit.”

  “Um-hmm.” The sensation of Hunter rubbing his fingers on my clit as we move makes me glance down, but his hands are firmly on my hips. “Are you touching me with your mind?”

  “Yes, Lexi.” His eyelids drop for a moment and his breathing is heavy. “Stop your brain for a few minutes and enjoy it.”

  Considering I’m consumed by physical sensations I pant out, “I am.” I pick up the pace, and a wave of ecstasy rises up to make my moans get louder as my climax builds.

  “Feel me,” says Hunter.

  I think he’s touching my g-spot too, because suddenly white-hot pleasure spikes in me, and my orgasm shatters throughout my body. I might scream, but I can’t be sure because I’m not completely conscious as my alien manages to prolong the sensations until he comes too.

  Hunter clutches me to his chest as we slowly recover. He plucks a sweat-slicked piece of my hair from my cheek. “Now this is how I like your hair best.”

  I chuckle, and I gaze into the eyes of the man I’ll spend the rest of my life with. “I love you, Hunter.”

  “I love you too, Lexi, my perfect match.”

  I snuggle into him and inhale the scent of our combined musk. It sends tingles through me as my heart threatens to burst with the joy of finding my alien to cherish forever.

  Chapter 8

  “Lexi,” says Nate as he walks into my office. My desk shakes as he slaps a piece of paper on it. “I ordered Hunter’s credentials yesterday afternoon and you need to take a look at them.”

  He’s scowling as he pulls a chair over and sits across from me. I’m afraid to find out what has Nate so concerned, and the sheet flutters as I pick it up. I scan through Hunter’s education which is impressive by Eroscian standards. His skills are too. But then I get to the note at the bottom. ‘Convicted of unauthorized access of Eroscian government intelligence. Term extended beyond three months to one year for insubordination.’

  My heart stops for a moment. What did Hunter do? Did he steal documents or.... Was Hunter a hacker? Ice floods my veins. I need to talk to Selene, the Eroscian official that forced me to take Hunter as part of the negotiations to bring my friend Mandy back to Earth. “Get me in touch with our contact on Eroscia.” I stare intently into Nate’s eyes, making it clear any comments he has about me marrying an alien criminal are not welcome. “Now!”

  He jumps up from his chair and scurries out. He’s only seen me angry a handful of times, but it’s enough to know he’d better do as I say. Pain radiates through my hand when I slam it down. Damn it! Fire simmers in my blood, and I get up to pace my office. No wonder it was so easy for Hunter to spot the security breach. Hacking into computer systems is probably what he was in handcuffs for when I met him. Oh my god. Was he released from prison to come to Earth? My skin begins to crawl with the thought I just spent the previous afternoon and evening sleeping with a criminal. And I married him.

  My stomach sinks as my reality crashes around me. My perfect match does more than break the rules. He breaks the law. Laws big enough he was sent to prison. I clench my teeth as I think about what he might have done to extend his sentence. And how did my matching program not pick up on his angry ways? The personality questions are extensive and he should have been flagged before he was allowed to…oh, god. I close my eyes as I fall back against the wall. It’s cold on my spine as I sink down to the floor. Hunter probably hacked his way through my program to get what he wanted, which was me.

  I think about how he knew I was a high-ranking government official with the authority to negotiate the release of Mandy and Caiden. He likely wanted to use me as an in to our computer systems. And when I was visibly affected by his physical presence I bet he jumped on it. I recall the electricity between us. Did he make that happen to suck me in and fall for him? Was anything he said to me yesterday real? Tears prick at my eyes but I shove them back, because I’ve got bigger things to worry about right now.

  My stomach knots up, because Hunter’s already spent hours with free rein in the code of my program. Who knows what he’s already put into place to destroy the US government. And it’s all my fault. The floor is hard under my hand as I push myself up to stand. I need to get Kiely and her team on this immediately and I need to tell President Stone what I’ve done. But first, I need to be sure my suspicions are right.

  I walk over to my computer and open up my video conferencing. I notice the screen open for speaking with Eroscia, which tells me Nate has done what I asked, and I wait for my contact to arrive. Within moments I recognize the stunningly beautiful woman. Selene says, “Hello, Lexi.”

  “Selene, it’s nice to see you again.”

  “You as well. How can I help you?”

  “I need more information on Hunter’s conviction. Can you explain to me what it was for?”

  Selene sighs. “He can be a difficult one. Is he giving you trouble?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s why I need to speak with you to understand the potential dangers.”

  “I see. He was convicted for hacking into a government program to get the results he wanted, but I assure you he’s not dangerous. You have my word he’s not out to overthrow your government or steal money. His motives were purely selfish for petty reasons. But rules are rules.”

  So they are, and I’d punish Hunter for trespassing no matter how minor too. “What did he want?”

  “Hunter’s problem is he doesn’t like authority. And when he’s forced to follow orders, he rebels.” She smiles sweetly as if I don’t realize she didn’t answer my question. “I’m sure the right earth woman can change him. You have that in progress, right?” She glances down at her nails. “It would be a shame if your friend had to come back to Eroscia.”

  Part of the agreement to get Mandy released, was that Hunter would be matched and stay on Earth. If we can’t make it happen within a month, Eroscia gets Mandy back for a lifetime of testing as they explore the breeding of interplanetary children. I think that’s exactly what Selene wants, and likely why she pawned Hunter off on me with the hope a match would fail. Since I won’t let that happen to one of my best friends I reply, “We’re making great progress. Thank you for asking.”

  “Wonderful,” Selene says with what I think is a hint of disappointment in her voice.

  I add a cool tone to my words as I say, “Thank you for your time, Selene. It’s been a pleasure.”

  “Yes, it has. You’re welcome, Lexi.”

  The screen goes black when we both sign off. I think about how Selene said Hunter hacked into a program to get the results he wanted. I’d bet everything I own that’s exactly what he did to get me, and humiliation fills me as I think about being used. I’d love to know what he thought he’d gain by marrying me. I’m sure he would have matched with one of the tens of thousands of women in our system and likely been very happy with her.

  Selene did say he doesn’t like rules, and I wonder if Nate laughing at the idea of Hunter and me together is what prompted Hunter to pursue me? My laptop clicks as I shut it, and I let out a big sigh. I’m afraid the only way to get answers is to confront Hunter. I may not get the truth, but I can certainly appeal to his sensibilities if I threaten him wi
th legal action when I figure out how to prove what he did.

  Fortunately, I don’t think Hunter is after government secrets, which is a relief. But I still need to get Kiely to go into the code and see if she can sort out what he might have done to alter algorithms that matched me with Hunter. My fingernail clicks on my phone as I type out a text to Kiely, and it occurs to me that Hunter had to know his credentials would inform me of his conviction. I wonder why he didn’t hack in to the Eroscian system and doctor them. Perhaps Nate ordered them before Hunter expected. A small smile forms on my face as I think about the fact the alien is not as smart as he’d like to think after all.

  And then my smile disappears, because now that my crisis is over, it hits me I’ve fallen in love with a man who doesn’t love me. My chest tightens as my heart feels like Hunter is squeezing it, and tears burn in my eyes. For the first time since the plague wiped out most of the males on Earth, I think I understand why someone would want to eliminate them. Men suck.

  Chapter 9

  I’d left Hunter this morning with directions to the local gym so he could work out and then wander around the city since I didn’t think I’d have his credentials in time for him to come to the office today. I’m not sure when he’ll be home, but I grabbed my laptop before leaving the office so I can get things done while I wait for his return. I recall how I didn’t want to leave Hunter to go to work. I shudder thinking about our intimate moments that were just another roll in the hay for him, while I thought I was beginning a life of forever love. The window of my apartment that overlooks the city is cold on my forehead as I press against it, and I close my eyes as humiliation washes over me. How was I so easily duped?

  “You’re the woman of my dreams.” Anger spikes in me, because Hunter must have meant he couldn’t believe his good fortune at finding someone so gullible. Now I’m sure I won’t be able to focus on anything I should be doing except informing Hunter he’s going to get a new match I find for him. Preferably a woman who’s in jail for life, then he’ll get to enjoy his new bride separated by barbed wire.


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