Tempted by the Bear - Book 3 Page 15
The plastic is warm in my hands as I grab the straw to remove it. My motions feel like someone else is making them happen. Someone steady and sure of their actions. I hold my palms just above Annie’s throat and envision her esophagus in my mind. I imagine it closing up to heal much like our topical wounds do.
A warm yellow glow radiates from my hands. Blood is still oozing from her gash, so I picture veins in her neck connecting and melding into a hollow tube. My vision becomes gray as sweat drips from my chin. Stars float before my eyes, and I whisper, “Jean Luc—”
Strong fingers grip my shoulders as he speaks. “Take from me, ma chérie.”
I close my eyes and visualize siphoning an energy source that is connected to my true mate’s hands. Warmth spreads through my chest. Is it...? I will the energy to flow through my arms and hands to Annie. My body is shaking now, and I’m so weak I’m not sure I can keep my arms up.
Jean Luc’s hands slide down my arms and over my wrists. A trickle of something gives me enough juice to keep me conscious. It’s Jean Luc’s power. The magic and love of our true mate bond is giving me strength, and I push the stream of energy toward Annie as hard as I can.
Her body shudders, and she gasps.
Jean Luc pulls me away and breaks my connection to Annie. He grips me tight, and my back is pressed hard against his chest as he says, “Mon dieu! You did it.”
Tristan and I lock gazes. Tears flow freely from his eyes as he attempts a smile and says, “Thank you, Isabelle.”
For a second I can feel my brother’s love. I nod as my body slumps down farther. My eyelids are heavy, and I sigh. Now I must sleep.
I glance over at the clock in the dark bedroom to discover it just before sunrise. My mate’s limbs are wrapped around me as if he’s afraid to let me go. His leg is heavy on mine, and I squirm to slide out from under it. My stomach growls loudly, and Jean Luc’s scent wafts toward me as he sits up to say, “You’re awake and hungry.” He grins at me.
“Starved.” I glance down at my hands as I sit up. I recall the yellow glow that came from them when I was trying to heal Annie. I ask, “Did it work?”
“Yes. Annie will be fine.” Jean Luc grips my arms and begins to massage the muscles as he works his way up to my shoulders. “You saved her, ma chérie.”
His squeezing makes my limbs feel like jelly. “Hmmm, your hands are magic.”
“That would be a nice trick, no?”
My stomach rumbles again. “It would. So would you producing food on the spot.”
“I can cook. Let’s go see what we can find in the kitchen.”
“If I know Annie, there’s plenty to work with.” I sit up to discover nothing hurts the way I expected. “Wow. I feel better than I should.”
“That’s good.”
Jean Luc flips on the light, and I blink in the brightness as I ask, “What about you?” I frown, thinking about what I did to my mate. “I took your energy.”
He chuckles as he climbs out of bed and grabs his pants. “Yes, you did. After I got you upstairs I collapsed next to you. But I feel fine now too.” His stomach grumbles, and he places a hand on it. “Your magic likes sleep and food.”
I tug on a pair of worn sweatpants, and the cotton is soft on my legs as I say, “I recall something about a promise to make poutine.”
Jean Luc reaches for my hand. I gaze into his eyes, and the familiar twinkle of his devotion that warms my heart is there as he says, “Come. We’ll see what I can do.”
Chapter 10
I woke up a little while ago, and the warm body next to me convinced me I was still asleep, having the best dream ever, instead of being trapped in a cage. My stomach growls before the realization hits that I’m really next to Sven. He’s alive! His scent is mixed with something slightly off, and I wonder if it’s from his healing. I lean up on my arm in the darkness to gaze down at the man I was afraid I’d never see again.
I’m not sure how I got here, and I really should use the bathroom, but right now I don’t want to stop touching the man I love. I flash back to when he was shot and inhale sharply at the memory of his body falling as I sank to the ground with him. I thought I’d lost him forever. Anguish squeezes my heart for a moment before I shake the feeling away. I speak in my true mate’s head even though he’s asleep. “If you had died, I would have died with you.”
The need to use the bathroom is too great to ignore, and I slide out of bed to go. Plush carpet is softer under my feet than I remember it. I suppose being locked in a cramped cage makes one appreciate the little things. I enter the bathroom and notice the faint scent of lavender that seems to be present throughout Annie’s house. It’s a welcome odor and wraps around me like an embrace compared to the stench of the horse trailer where I was kept as a prisoner.
I shut the door softly and flip on the light. My filthy clothes were stripped from my body, but the dirt and grime is still present, so once I flush the toilet, I flip on the shower. The water splashes, and a drawer scrapes lightly as I open it in search of a hairbrush. When I’m done detangling my locks, I step under the scalding-hot spray to cleanse more than filth from my body. I want to rid myself of my ordeal. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to handle small spaces for a while.
I imagine the little girls are cuddled in their beds and happy to be warm. While we weren’t hurt in any way, the trauma of being trapped in a cage would take its toll on anyone. I could imagine the horrors that awaited us, and this experience will stick with me. I hope for the children it fades to nothing more than a bad dream that won’t scar them for life.
When I’m sufficiently clean, I dry off and make my way back to the bedroom. Sven has kicked off the sheets, and his naked form is on display for me. Tears form in my eyes as I gaze at my true mate. I stand at the end of the bed and touch his foot. Hair on his legs is coarse under my fingers as I slide my hand up his legs, being careful to avoid his scars. I massage his thighs gently as I continue.
Pleasure from our connection sends electricity up my arms and to my heart. I want to devour him in every way possible. I lean down over his crotch to inhale his scent and let it make me giddy with desire. Sven moans when I lower my mouth over his cock. It pulsates in my hand as I grip him and twirl my tongue around the head.
Sven’s fingers thread through my hair. “Little Bear...”
I take him in my mouth, and he jerks his hips up as he hisses. “God, what you do with that tongue.”
I speak telepathically. “Shhh, you can thank me later.”
“I will.” He lets out a low groan as he rocks with my movement. When his body begins to quake beneath me, I know Sven is close to his release. I say in his head, “I want it all, Big Bear. Let me fill myself with you in every way.”
Heat fills my mouth, and I swallow his essence down as he cries out in ecstasy. I move my mouth up his trembling torso and nibble as I go. Sven says, “Lucy, if you wanted to talk, you could have just shaken me awake.”
I’ve made it up to his neck, and I hover over him as he grins. “This way was a lot more fun,” I say. I lean down and kiss him.
Sven’s hands start on their own course as he grabs my bottom and squeezes. He grips my hips and flips me over onto my back. Shoving his leg between my thighs, he presses hard against my sex as he smooths damp hair from my face. He says, “You’re wet.”
I gyrate my hips under him to cause friction on my tender slit as I whisper, “So wet, and it’s all for you.”
My mate moves down to lift my legs and place them over his shoulders as he says, “That’s what I wanted to hear.”
I reply with a few sounds of my own as he takes me to pleasurable heights. I’m squirming with my impending orgasm when Sven stops and leaves me panting. His hot breath tickles my thighs and tender folds as he says, “I’m drowning in you, Lucy. I just can’t get enough.”
I clutch his hair tightly when he nips at my clit and thrusts his tongue inside me. My cry is loud as my hips buck up and my clim
ax races through me. When I recover, Sven moves up the bed to lie next to me. He traces my collarbone and swirls his finger around the faint scar from his bite. “Little Bear, your mark is fading.”
“On the outside.” I grab his hand and place it over my heart. “But here? You’re imprinted forever, Sven.”
My mate lifts up on his elbow to gaze down at me. “I need you to bite me tonight. I almost lost you. Again.”
He’s referring to his brother being a true mate for me too, and the fear that Serge may have been my destiny. The low rumble of my bear’s growl builds in my chest. “I almost lost you too.” Tears fill my eyes as the memory of Sven being shot floods my mind, and I say, “I need you to bite me too.”
Sven crawls over me and reaches between my legs as I grip his thickening cock. “Take me, Big Bear. Take me with you.” I guide him toward my opening.
Sven thrusts quickly into me and seats himself deep. I inhale, and our combined aroma fills my lungs as its pungency makes me taste it too. I clutch at his back, and strong, thick muscle flexes under my palms as he pumps in and out slowly. I gaze into his icy-blue eyes, and it’s as if I can see his love. Our love. My orgasm is close, and I lift my head as I call up my bear to latch on to the meat of Sven’s shoulder.
While our connection races through Sven, he manages to bite me too. Threads of attachment intertwine to strengthen our bond as our bodies shudder with the explosion of our release. Our cries fade into the night, and my mate sinks over me like a heavy blanket. One I never want to remove.
My heartbeat thuds along with Sven’s as we catch our breath. He lifts up, and his eyes are almost green for a second. I’m about to frown at the odd change as he says, “Marry me, Lucy.”
My heart skips a beat now as I smile at the simple question. I grew up dreaming of a romantic proposal with a fancy location, flowers, and champagne. But my true mate isn’t wrapped up in appearances or fanfare. He’s honest and genuine in his communications with me. Sven’s skin is damp under my hand when I place it on his chest as he gazes down at me, waiting for an answer.
Sven needs nothing more than direct words and actions. I recall the man I met the first day, who took off his shirt in a restaurant because he was hot. Women noticed, and he didn’t give them a second thought, because he only had eyes for me.
That’s what I want. A mate who won’t play games or create illusions. A love that will remain real throughout time. I smile up at Sven. “Yes.”
Chapter 11
Bacon grease pops, and eggs sizzle when Keith drops them in a hot pan. I wash down the sugary sweetness of pie in my mouth with my glass of milk and grin at Isabelle as she grabs the last bite left in the pie plate.
When we arrived at Annie and Tristan’s house last night, Lily and I took care of getting Lucy and the triplets up to bed to sleep off their sedation, while Tristan, Isabelle, and Jean Luc worked to save Annie. Keith and Brady went to the Le Roux house to see Carly and the new babies. After a quick visit, Keith thought it was best to give them time to be alone and came here to be with me.
Worried that we might be needed, considering the number of recently kidnapped and injured people, Keith and I thought it best to stick around and were dozing on the couch when Isabelle and Jean Luc came downstairs. I say, “Raiding Annie’s kitchen in the middle of the night is fun.” I lick the last remains of apple pie from my fork. “But I’m going to feel guilty if she was saving this.”
Isabelle says, “I wouldn’t worry about that. Annie loves an excuse to bake. Once she feels better, she’ll probably be thrilled about it.”
Keith says, “The only thing she’ll be upset about is that she’s missing this.” Two steaming mugs thump down before us as he adds, “Besides, Isabelle, pie is a small price to pay for what you did. It sounds like it was pretty amazing.”
“It was,” says Jean Luc. He sets a platter of bacon down, and the aroma makes it hard to resist grabbing a piece, so I do. He smiles at Isabelle. “My true mate is incredible.”
An odd thumping on the stairs makes me turn and notice Sven limping along with Lucy by his side. I jump up to hug my friend as Lucy says, “I sure hope there’s enough for me. I haven’t had anything to eat since the day before yesterday.”
I embrace her gently. “You can have mine. Oh my god, was I worried about you.” I step away from her and scan Sven. “And you too, Sven. How amazing is it that you survived so many gunshots?”
Sven shrugs. “All in a day’s work for a polar bear.”
I notice Lucy stare at Isabelle for a moment, and I wonder if she’s upset with her because of Luke. Lucy’s twin brother was devastated when he’d heard Isabelle was dead. And now she’s back alive, well, and bonded to her true mate, without even breaking up with Luke first. I watch as Isabelle stares back and says, “Lucy. You look unharmed.”
“I am. And you do too.” My best friend’s voice is cool, but I’m not sure if she’s angry or disappointed.
Isabelle says, “I’d like to see Luke. Do you think that would be okay?”
Lucy shakes her head. “He’s no longer here. Last week he left for the Smoky Mountains down south. When I hear from Luke, I’ll be sure to let him know you’re alive and well.” Lucy’s snark is out, and I don’t blame her.
“I’d rather tell him myself.” Isabelle glances at Jean Luc. “I have some explaining to do.”
“No,” says Lucy. “I don’t think you understand the impact you had on my brother. It’s best if he has time to process it before he sees you again.”
Isabelle sighs. “I never meant to hurt him, Lucy. I couldn’t have known I’d meet Jean Luc.”
“It’s not that. He was aware that a true mate could come along and take you from him. I think he’s going to be upset to know you didn’t respect him enough to tell him you planned to die.” Lucy scowls at her. “I’m pretty sure I’d be.”
Isabelle narrows her eyes as she lifts her chin and says, “I see.”
Plates clash as Keith sets them on the table along with a bowl full of eggs. “Dig in, guys. I’ve already got more cooking.” He looks at Sven, who has seated himself at the table. “Coffee?”
A chair scrapes along the floor as Lucy pulls it out to sit next to me. “I’d like some, please.”
Sven asks, “How are the little girls?”
I answer, “They’re still asleep, but when I changed them into clean pajamas they appeared to be fine.”
Lucy says, “Hopefully this didn’t traumatize them too much. The men who held us captive saw them as cute little animals and were fairly gentle.” A low growl comes from Sven, and Lucy places a hand on his arm. “I know.”
At the moment, I’m embarrassed to have been a human. I say, “What gets me is that the hunters seem to think they’re so superior to us.” I shake my head. “The reality is, we’ve got most of the traits humans do except some of the ones that make them vulnerable.”
Keith waves a spatula as he says, “Yes and no. Physically we’re superior, but they’ve got us by sheer numbers. The fact that our existence is a secret to most of the world and that we have the ability to become something ferocious is scary.”
He’s right. A few years ago, if I had heard about a clan of werebear that could kill us, I would have been happy to agree to measures to stop them. There would have been no reason for me to question it. “Fear is a great motivator, and ignorance means humans will make rash decisions,” I say. “It makes this whole situation quite tricky.”
Isabelle says, “So this really is the beginning of our battle.” She sighs.
I’m surprised by her reaction. While I haven’t spent a lot of time with Isabelle, I thought she enjoyed being a warrior and would be happy to have a reason to fight. Jean Luc places his arm around her shoulders, and I wonder if maybe he has something to do with the change.
Keith says, “I’m afraid so.” A spoon scrapes in his pan as he scoops out eggs and adds them to the serving dish.
Lucy says, “A lot is going
to have to change. I imagine the open way we’ve been at the university is going to be dangerous now.”
I recall the frat parties I attended last year at what I now know is a werebear fraternity. While I didn’t have any idea the guys were not human, I bet the clues were right in front of me if I had looked. The reality is, life in the Northeast Kingdom is going to change for more than the college kids. And my role just got more complicated. Not only am I going to run a clan with members that are a bit hostile to a half-breed as the leader, I’m going to have to make sure I protect them from the very thing I used to be.
I glance over at Jean Luc, who is a full werebear and alpha. I wonder how much interaction he has with humans and if he’s ever loved one. The call the Le Roux put out to bring human women into their fold was more complex than anyone knew. I’m told they never expected Carly to be an alpha capable of co-ruling the Le Roux clan and being next in line to lead the Robichaux. Lily ended up a temporary leader before I, another human, came along to become the Veilleux alpha. Destiny put former humans in strong positions, and I think our recent situation is why.
A surge of pride makes me smile with determination and say, “Yes. Our lives are going to change, and we’re going to face some serious challenges.” I take a moment to glance at every person at the table. “But I think we’re up for it. Together.”
Chapter 12
Tristan’s voice is in my head. “My love, I feel you with me now. Stay.”
Warmth draws me to something, and when I lean in the direction of it, I realize I’m lying next to my true mate. I say, “Hold me.”
“I am,” says Tristan. “And I’ll never let go.”
My eyelids are heavy as I lift them. It’s daytime, and I glance down at the arm across my belly. My throat hurts as I try to speak. My words come out as a hoarse whisper. “Tristan.”